March 2024 Minutes

Fox Cities Housing Coalition


March 20, 2014

8:00 am  

First United Methodist Church

325 East Franklin Street - Appleton



A.      Call to Order and Introductions;  Mike Garrigan, Sarah Christensen, Kendra Krisher, Kim O’Brien, Connie Raether, Jenni Micke, Lori Hartz, Kim Mehlberg, Claire Hoslet, Deb Langacker, Rachel Youngquist, Richard Dodge, Susan Garcia Franz, Stephanie Van Hulst, Stacey West, Lori Jensen, Jon Pylypyv, Bonnie Nussbaum, Mindy Howell, Cheryl Spindler, Sue Peters, Liz Croley, Olivia Galyon, Emily Murphy, Kim Luke, Tracie LaRue Moen, Cynthia Whitely, Jennie Moore, Kristi Clover, Becky Heldt, Kate Kuhn, Katie Van Groll, Adam Groskreutz, Molly McGregor, Lisa Strandberg, Donna Eggert, Jodell Gagnow, Kim Esselman, Liz Bredberg, Natalie Luebke, Emily Everson, Lori Jensen, Lisa Peters

Excused:  Scott Schnurer, Legal Action, Jennifer Kennedy  Harbor House,

Sarah Bassing Sutton, N.E.W. Mental Health Connection

Megan Santkuyl, Catholic Charities

Kris Mielke, Outagamie County Public Health




B.      Approval of February 21, 2024 Minutes;  Mindy moves, Richard seconds approval.  Motion carries.              


C.      Treasurer’s Update;  All agencies have paid.  35 member agencies.  $11,917.09                                                                           

D.      Agency SpotlightGoodwill Excelerate Program;  powerpoint attached                   

Mike Garrigan, Manager of Programs and Partnership

Sara Christensen, Fox Valley Technical College Grand Manager


E.       Coordinated Entry Update: attached.  Any agency (including faith based groups) can fill out a pre-screen form                                                                    Liz Croley


F.       Action Plan Committee Updates

a.       Affordable Housing;  powerpoint presentation ready to go.  If you are part of a group that would like to see the presentation, let Susan know.                                                                         Susan Garcia Franz             

b.      DEI:  They are bringing in Lyric from Lakeshore CoC, and possibly Michael from there as well to share their experience in starting the DEI Committee there.                                                        Tracie La Rue Moen


G.      Vote on FCHC website;       proposal was attached with agenda.  Current request is for $1317.20 to get it up and running and for first year.  Continuing costs will be about $500.

AASD, Advocap, AHA, Boys and Girls Club, City of Appleton, COTS, CVA, ESTHER, First Methodist Appleton, First Methodist Neenah, FVVC, Goodwill, Habitat, Churches united in Care, NAYBORs, Neighborhood Housing, Outagamie County, OHA, Pillars, Reach, Riverview Gardens, Ryan Community, Salvation Army, United Way, VIDA, Winnebago Co. Health Dept.  all vote yes.  Motion carries.                                                                    


H.      After Hours Plan;  Same as last year.  An after hours plan is required by the Balance of State.  Recommendation to add the crisis number, Iris Place and 988.  Will send new plan out with next agenda.


I.         Update on New Housing in Community;

·         Zion project;  Zion Lutheran Church on N. Oneida St. is working on repurposing their buildings and land to affordable housing and possibly some businesses.  If interested in learning more about the project, contact Project Manager Bonnie Nussbaum at

·         RISE apartments and town houses will have some affordable units. 

·         VIDA has maternity housing located in Darboy serving single moms or moms with young children;  provides housing and services for moms.


Other Business; 

Wednesday, March 27, DOA is hosting their annual EHH Stakeholders Meeting, where Liz and Olivia will be representing City of Appleton as the EHH Lead Agency and FCHC for the local coalition.  They are seeking feedback on potential application elements or performance measures that they may want to highlight for our local coalition that they believe should be considered during the application process.  Since the agencies are more engaged with the data and day-to-day outcomes, they know they will have more insight and information to share.  Are the evaluation elements and performance measures appropriate or should something else be added for the EHH grant?  Let Olivia know before next Wednesday at .     Elements and performance measures are attached. 

 Habitat raised income guidelines to 80% so more people will qualify.


J.        Adjourn;  Motion carries.


Next Meeting – April 17th  - Zoom   



February 2024 Minutes


April 2024 Minutes