February 2024 Minutes
Fox Cities Housing Coalition
February 21, 2024
8:00 am
Meeting via Zoom
Present: Connie Raether, Rachel Youngquist, Anne Tretinyak, Kendra Krisher, Pauline Werner, Richard Dodge, Kim Esselman, Jennie Moore, Liz Croley, Mike Garrigan, Don Carper, Mindy Howell, Lori Jensen, Donna Eggert, Steph Mabrey, Jennie Micke, Molly McGregor, Jodell Gagnow, Becky Heldt, Shaundra Machtan, Cynthia Whitely, Lisa Severson, Chris Biese, Tracie LaRue Moen, Lisa Strandberg, Amy Lang, Susan Garcia Franz, Kate Kuhn, Daniel McGinnis, Deanna Kloster, Nhia Ly, Cassidy Walsh, Hugo Gonzalez, Jon Pylypyv, Scott Schnurer, Todd Wenzel, Breanna Rosik, Jennifer Kennedy, Kate Markwardt, Olivia Galyon, Stephanie Van Hulst, Nicole Majinski, Stacey West, Megan Wanke, Megan Santkuyl, Claire Hoslet, Dora Fabian, Megan Zimmerman, Cass Robinson
A. Call to Order and introductions
B. Approval of January 17, 2024 Minutes; Mindy moves, Susan seconds approval. Motion carries.
C. Treasurer’s Update; Balance $10642.
D. Balance of the State Update; All projects funded. Jennie Moore was approved as board member. Lots of focus on DEI. Application for a grant available to work on family diversion. $250,000 a year for 5 years.
E. Point in Time Recap; Found 37 people experiencing homelessness. 75% increase over 2023.
F. Coordinated Entry Update; attached . AHA’s waiting list somehow was sent out over the internet and they received over 1000 applications which will take them many hours of work to contact all the applicants.
G. Proposal for Budget for launch website; Starting cost $225. Jonathan would help get it started. Can look for grant money for future costs. City of Appleton would be willing to keep the website up as part of the Coordinated Entry Specialist role and the new Community Relations role. Important to drive people to website. There are analytics that can tell us how many people have accessed the site. Susan will send out updated proposal. Will vote next month.
H. Action Plan Committee Updates
a. Affordable Housing; Presenting our powerpoint at various community groups. If you’re interested in helping us present or are part of an organization or church that might be interested in a presentation, please let Susan or fchc.updates@gmail.com know.
b. DEI: Working with Lakeshore DEI committee.
I. Housing Project Updates:
Mayor’s Housing Task Force; focusing on the impact of the cycle of development and what factors can be helping/hindering new housing developments. Two nonprofit grant opportunities, one focused on violence prevention and one on child care. Link to City page. Grants open til March 13. Trainings today will be recorded if you’re interested. https://www.appleton.org/government/community-and-economic-development/grants-administration/arpa-nonprofit-grant-2024
Zion project; Zion Lutheran Church on Oneida St. is hoping to repurpose their building and surrounding land for housing and small businesses. Community members welcome to join the project; if interested, let Connie know at connieraether@gmail.com
Celebrate Diversity/Common Ground: Formed a new group called Fox Valley Speaks, Housing Conversations for Change, to initiate community conversations around housing issues and to coordinate all the groups working on housing.
Hope and Help Together is a new organization trying to pull together resources for newcomers, especially around housing.
J. Other Business: Hoping to have a training committee. If interested, please let Rachel know. Approved two letters of support, one for Pillars and one for Legal Action to receive AARPA funds.
K. Agency Updates: City of Appleton has a new position for a Community Resource Navigator; First United Methodist Church - Appleton nearing completion of sponsored Habitat for Humanity Rehab home, Home Dedication ceremony on March 21; Neighborhood Housing Inc. -update ! Working on purchasing duplexes/homes in City of Appleton and or Outagamie County for additional affordable housing units! will accept Section 8 Vouchers and Foster Youth Vouchers! Closing on the 1st 3 bedroom duplex in March; If anyone has any veterans on their team, Fox Valley Veterans Council has some FREE sponsored tickets available for veterans. They can apply on our website. This is for our Veterans Prohibition Ball on March 7th in Oshkosh. https://www.foxvalleyveterans.org/
L. Adjourn; Susan moves, Jonathan seconds, adjournment. Motion carries.
Next Meeting in person only – March 20th
First United Methodist Church
325 East Franklin Street
Enter on west side portico entrance. Walk in, straight ahead to Fellowship Hall