April 2024 Minutes

Fox Cities Housing Coalition

April 17, 2024

8:00 am  




Present:  Rachel Youngquist, Connie Raether, Deb Langacker, Mindy Howell, Liz Croley, Kim Esselman, Jodell Gagnow, Jackie Gonzalez, Lisa Strandberg, Peggy Loose,  Cynthia Whitely, Jon Pylypyv, Jennie Mickie, Jennie Moore, Susan Garcia Franz, Richard Dodge, Megan Zimmerman, Tracie La Rue Moen, Lori Jensen, Diane Drew,  Kristi Clover, Shaundra Machtan, Lori Hartz, Olivia Galyon, Sue Matheys, Kristi Clover, Donna Eggert, Jennifer Sunstrom, Kate Markwart, Jo Muehl, Kate Kuhn, Kiara West, Kara Homan, Kim Luke, Stephanie Van Hulst, Emily Murphy, Diane Drew, Kimberly Mehlberg, Lisa Severson, Hugo Gonzalez, Steph Mabrey, Stacey West, Kristin Mielke, Claire Hoslet, Jennifer Kennedy, Anne Tretinyak, Amy Lang, Scott Schnurer, Breanna Mekuly, Briana Rosik, Cassandra Robinson, Kelly Kohel, Liz Bredberg,  Natalie Luebke


A.     Call to Order and Introduction of Jennifer Sunstrom, Rick Vander Leest and Peggy Loose:  Over 400 landlords represented by landlord associations in the Valley and Green Bay.  Most objections by landlords to renting to clients from our agencies relate to past evictions, crime issues, recoverability of damages or non payment of rent.  Majority of landlords are “mom and pop” situations and could be wiped out by a serious damage issue.  Rick would love to see a damage fund.  What would be a good starting point for discussion for next meeting:  are there ways to reduce risk for landlords? Is there any kind of “ranking system” for clients based on their situation, education around coordinated entry system for landlords, Are there examples of successful collaborations with private landlords and community services to reduce homelessness, could we have a small group of people meeting to discuss the issues, discussion of how many agencies follow Housing First and what that means for our participants, could landlords follow a tenant-screening process that does not dismiss those applying with housing assistance, discussion of wrap around services including what that collaboration could look like, how that could help with prevention of common rental concerns and what kind of impact that could have on consideration of rental applications.  Decision:  Will convene a small group of landlords and agency reps to start the discussion. 


B.     Introductions


C.      Approval of March 20, 2024 Minutes:  Lisa Strandberg moves, Mindy Howell seconds approval.  Motion carries.


D.     Treasurer’s Update:  Total $11,938.12.  Need to pay $1524.41 dues for Balance of State                                                       

E.      Coordinated Entry Update:  attached.  Seeing an uptick in people aged 60 and over.  Would like someone from ADRC to address this in May.


F.      Action Plan Committee Updates

a.      Affordable Housing--Susan Garcia Franz:  presenting our power point in the community.  Fine tuning the presentation and the one pager.  Reach out to Susan if you have an org that you think might be interested in our presentation. 

b.      DEI-- Tracie La Rue Moen:  Brought in someone from BOS board and someone from Lakeshore to talk about how they started their DEI committee.  Kristen from People of Progression also attended to talk about intentionality around people of color leading the charge.  Sent out a survey to determine where agencies are re:  DEI.  Meet again May 1st.

c.       Website Task Force--Jonathon  Pylypiv:  Domain will be foxcitieshousing.org.  Working on pages. 


G.     Update on Mayor’s Housing Task Force--Kara Homan:  Mayor of Appleton created a housing policy task force about 6 months ago.  Not enough new housing due to cost, interest rates, etc.  Focused on what the City can do. 

Created a diverse stakeholder group

Hired a consultant

Identified City staff and stakeholders and held focus groups and interviews

Identified themes and recommendations

Executive summary on page 3 is a good place to get an overview of the task force work


o   City needs to create a vision that is housing centric

o   Need to make process for new development easier and quicker

o   Need to address neighborhood pushback

o   City policies already allow higher density housing but those policies need to be  activated

o   City needs to be more proactive in ways they allow new housing developments

o   City needs to do a better job of communicating with residents, including educating new council members about planning, zoning, processes, etc.  Also can do a better job of marketing development opportunities.

o   Work with religious institutions for new developments

         Document is being reviewed by the City Council.

There is a group of planners of local communities that meet monthly.  Anyone living in communities other than Appleton, please show up at city/town meetings and get to know local alders or town board members.

Need to flood the market with housing.  City of Minneapolis is doing well in this respect. Good Pew article about some of the changes being seen in Minneapolis that Kara referenced- https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/articles/2024/01/04/minneapolis-land-use-reforms-offer-a-blueprint-for-housing-affordability

Also:  https://www.upjohn.org/research-highlights/affordable-housing-minneapolis-st-paul-tale-twin-cities


H.     CE Lead – Liz Croley is voted in as CE Lead.  All present member agencies vote yes except City of Appleton abstains.                                          

I.         EHH (Emergency Solutions, Homeless Prevention)  Lead:  Susan moves, Deb seconds Olivia Galyon as lead.  City of Appleton abstains.  Motion carries.


J.       After Hours Plan:  We will send out the final plan and will vote at our May meeting.       


Other Business:  Appleton Housing Authority still has several open Foster Youth Vouchers for youth aging out Foster Care or who have been in Foster Care at some time in their life.  age 18-24 is the age group eligible.   email or call Kim if you know someone who might qualify and she will explain the process !  kime@appletonhousing.org


Appleton Housing Authority has open VASH Vouchers.  Anyone who is working with a veteran who needs housing, please contact donnae@appletonhousing.org


K.     Adjourn;  Deb Langacker moves, Susan Garcia Franz seconds.  Motion carries. 


Next Meeting – May 15th   - Zoom   








March 2024 Minutes


May 2024 Minutes