June 2024 Minutes
Fox Cities Housing Coalition
June 12, 2024
8:00 am
Appleton Area School District Welcome Center
2701 N. Oneida Street -Suite C3
A. Call to Order
B. Present: Deb Langacker, Connie Raether, Rachel Youngquist, Betsy Borns, Jennie Moore, Kendra Krisher, Amy Lang, Breanna Mekuly, Cynthia Whitely, Kim Luke, Lisa Strandberg, Lisa Severson, Tracie LaRue Moen, Dan McGinnis, Kim Esselman, Anne Tretinyak, Susan Garcia Franz, Pam Franzke, Claire Hoslet, Cheryl Schefe, Liz Croley, Jodell Gagnow, Carol Whilen, Paige Johnson, Quincy Davison, Mindy Howell, Donna Eggert, Don Carper, Cheryl Spindler, Olivia Galyon, Jason Lake, Kim CAP, Nhia Ly, Kimberly POP, Jonathan Pylypyv, Nikki Torgerson, Shaundra Machtan, Lori Jensen, Emily Evenson, Becky Heldt, Kate Kuhn, Katie Van Groll, Hugo from CAP, Kimberly Kopplin, Adam Groskreutz, Pauline Werner, Lucas Holt, Jennifer Kennedy, Shawn Balke, Quincey Davidson, Natalie Luebke, Kim from Leaven, Kimberly HUddleston
Excused: Scott Schnurer
C. Approval of May 15, 2024 Minutes; Lisa Strandberg moves, Mindy Howell seconds. Motion carries.
D. Treasurer’s Update; No deposits. One expenditure for PO Box, $200. $10,213.71 Deb Langacker
E. Coordinated Entry Update; attached. Point in Time count July 24. Volunteers needed from 10:30 pm -3:30 am Liz Croley
F. Agency Spotlight: Advanced Bed Bug Preparation Nikki Torgerson
G. Action Plan Committee Updates
a. Affordable Housing: doing the powerpoint presentation on housing. Looking for groups that would like a presentation. Susan Garcia Franz
b. DEI: Working on connecting with local organizations Tracie La Rue Moen
c. Website Task Force; getting close to finished Jonathon Pylypiv
H. 2024 Action Plans Announcement--Rachel Youngquist: Decided on two goals; to increase non- employment income and to prevent the criminalization of homelessness. Will set up subcommittees to work on these goals. This is required for COC funding.
I. Criminalization Policy; Passed as is.
J. NAMI Training Announcement; Sept. 10, probably at First United Methodist Church in Appleton. 8-12. $20 per person. 1 ½ hours mental illness overview, 2 hours crisis de-escalation. Coalition will pay for one person per member organization. Limited to about 70 people.
K. Other Business; There is movement to bring the housing alliance to fruition. Grant has been applied for. Housingplan.org has a model of a housing alliance.
AHA VASH program has many openings.
People of Progression (501 C3) is helping folks in need of housing with hotel vouchers. They are accepting donations for this purpose. Check out their website at https://peopleofprogression.com/.
L. Adjourn;
Next Meeting – July 17th