July 2024 Minutes
Fox Cities Housing Coalition
July 17, 2024
8:00 am
A. Present: Holly Milhaupt, Liz Croley, Rachel Youngquist, Kelly Frichner, Nikki Gerhardt, Connie Raether, Cliff Stephens, Cynthia Whitely, Deb Langacker, Kendra Krisher, Jon Pylypyv, Richard Dodge, Cheryl Spindler, Laura Jackson, Becky Heldt, Pheonah Kisembo, Cheryl Schefe, Kristin Mielke, Lisa Brown, Callie Timm, Jennie Micke, Kate Kuhn, Jennie Moore, Tracie LaRue Moen, Anne Tretinyak, Kari Godsell, Deanna Kloster, Lori Jensen, Jo Muehl, Lisa Severson, Molly McGregor, Jodell Gagnow, Hugo Gonzalez, Nicole Majinski, Jennifer Kennedy, Kate Markwardt, Megan Zimmerman, Kelly Kohl, Ivy Casarez, Amy Lang, Scott Schnurer, Cass Robinson, Shaundra Wagner, Stacey West
B. Approval of June 12, 2024 Minutes; Deb Langacker moves, Richard Dodge seconds. Motion carries.
C. Treasurer’s Update: No deposits. $135.10 for refreshments for June meeting. $200 in gift cards for Point in Time. $9878.61 balance
D. Point in Time and Data Collection: Housing Inventory Chart (listing of all housing in balance of state) Need to ensure that all the agencies providing housing, shelter or motel vouchers to people experiencing homelessness provide data. Not tied to coordinated entry so should include churches or any other organizations that provide housing or motel vouchers. Will send out the existing list and the form that people should fill out if they feel their agency/organization should be added. Data is directly related to funding. Data is collected on the 4th Wednesday of each month. There are 21 coalitions in Balance of State. After Point in Time (PIT) Balance of State staff has to make sure that all reports match so it is important to doublecheck any data that you submit.
E. Coordinated Entry Update—Liz Croley: PIT coming up next week Wednesday. Training is this Thursday. 292 households without children, ave. 123 days on waiting list. 122 households with children. Ave. wait time 92 days. 116 people in prevention programs (those in danger of losing housing in 14 days). To clear HMIS list we would need 415 units with 211 of those in need of intensive case management.
F. Vote for BOS Board Member-- Rachel Youngquist: Jennie Moore has been filling in for an open position. We need to vote to elect her for a 3 year term. Amy Lang moves, Molly McGregor seconds motion to elect Jennie for a 3 year term. Motion carries. Vote: AASD, Advocap, AHA, B and G Club, City of Appleton, CUIC, ESTHER, Fair Housing Center, 1st UM Appleton, FUMC Neenah, FVVeterans Council, Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity, Harbor House, Heads Up, Leaven, NAMI, Naybors, OCHA, Pillars, Reach and Vida all vote yes.
G. Agency Spotlight: Rogers Behavioral Health--Lisa Brown: Slides attached.
H. New Action Plan Work Groups Plans--Rachel Youngquist: Non cash income work group is set, haven’t met yet. Criminalization of homelessness work group looking for a chair. If you’d like to join either group, let Rachel know.
I. Committee Updates
a. Affordable Housing--Connie Raether: Continuing to work on powerpoint. Presenting to Grand Chute Lions tomorrow. Have presented to 8 groups, with 6 more scheduled. If you are part of an organization/church that you think would be interested, please let us know.
b. DEI--Tracie La Rue Moen: Did not meet in July
c. Website Task Force--Jonathon Pylypiv: link to website is https://www.foxcitieshousing.org/ Password
d. is housing and you can see the progress. Email Jon if you have questions. Website should be ready to go after PiT.
J. Other Business: NAMI training coming up on September 10th from 8-noon. Watch for more information.
K. Adjourn
L. Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/crX2Dx-duDNbIJa_7mxTAk5QVPp1ToSUXGIFoZe3VLavws3-rmujXfTZcKS8Zi0.Q8gsHn7LW6hkkbZP
Passcode: tU=UGVZ7
Next Meeting – August 21st