January 2024 Minutes
Fox Cities Housing Coalition
January 17, 2024
8:00 am
Meeting via Zoom
Call to Order and introductions:
Excused: Kristi Clover, Habitat for Humanity (Jan. and Feb.)
Present: John Gosling, Connie Raether, Kendra Krisher, Liz Croley, Rachel Youngquist, Deb Langacker, Dora Fabian, Kim Luke, Tracie LaRue Moen, Lisa Strandberg, Mindy Howell, Kim Esselman, Bridget Horton?, Kari Godsill, Lori Jensen, Kristin Mielke, Lisa Severson, Jodell Gagnow, Jennie Micke, Olivia Galyon, Deanna Kloster, Lori Hartz, Nhia Ly, Claire Hoslet, Shaundra Machtan, Dan McGinnis, Breanna Rosik, Jon Pylypyv, Paige Johnson, Amy Lang, Jennifer Kennedy, Susan Garcia Franz, Anne Tretinyak, Joe Martin, Stephanie Van Hulst, MaryBeth Wohlrabe, Shi Vang, Donna Eggert, Stacey West , Liz Bredberg, Nadine Duncan, Kari Kuiper, Diane Drew, Katie Van Groll, Chris Biese, Samantha Baer, Sue Matheys, Nicole Majinski, Molly McGregor, Pauline Werner, Jackie Gonzalez, Stephanie Mabrey, Cynthia Whitely, Scott Schnurer
Treasurer’s Report/Roll Call; Checking account $9292.09. No deposits or withdrawals.
Roll call: not present COTS, Fair Housing, Leaven, Planned Parenthood, Ryan Community
Approval of November 15 2023 Minutes; Mindy moves, Joe seconds approval. Motion carries.
Vice-President Nominated Introductions; Will vote via email.
a. Susan Garcia-Franz
b. Dan McGinnis
Vote on Jennie Moore position as BOS Board member; Jennie is the Client Services Director at Pillars. 23 years of experience at Goodwill. We vote and then our delegate to Balance of State will vote our candidate in. Balance of State is the group our coalition belongs to; it funnels funds to our communities. All counties belong except Milwaukee, Racine and Dane. There is a competition for funding; all organizations compete. Balance of State Continuum of Care (or Balance of State COC or BOSCOC) connects our Fox Cities Housing Coalition with the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) Continuum of Care program -- which funds Permanent supportive housing and rapid rehousing.
BOSCOC map: https://www.wiboscoc.org/uploads/3/7/2/4/37244219/wiboscoc_map.pdf
As a delegate, Mindy Howell represents the Fox Cities Housing Coalition.
Jon Pylypyv moves to make Jennie our BOS representative;
AASD, Advocap, AHA, Boys and Girls Club, City of Appleton, ESTHER, First United Appleton, First United Neenah, Goodwill, Harbor House, Legal Action of Wisconsin, NAYBORs, Neighborhood Housing, Outagamie Co. H and HS, OHA, Pillars, Riverview Gardens, Salvation Army, United Way Fox Cities, UW Extension, Vida, Winnebago Co. Health Dept. all vote yes. Motion carries.
March 20th Location to Host; Will be at First United Methodist Church
Foster Youth Vouchers--Kim Esselman: Appleton Housing Authority (AHA) Received 25 just a few months ago, targeted to youth aging out of foster care or who have been in foster care at some point. Must be: 18 to 24, left foster care in the past, or will leave foster care within 90 days with a transition plan, homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Not limited to a single person so could be a household. Youth have to be referred. AHA is looking for referrals. Program works just like regular section 8 vouchers; youth have to find their own housing. They will pay 30% of their income; if without income, they will pay $50 a month. Send email to Kim Esselman if you would like to be part of the meeting tomorrow at 3:00. AHA will pay the security deposit for the first year (up to double security deposit). Not limited to Outagamie County. Vouchers are limited to 3 years. Offered case management and life skills through Outagamie County. Vouchers can be ported to a different agency in another county if necessary if that agency will provide case management. Questions: Contact Kim at kime@appletonhousing.org
Kim and 5 others on the Leadership Fox Cities Team are developing the Welcome Home Project. Putting together 25 “welcome home” kits for voucher holders, ie. Sheets, towels, etc. Go to facebook and follow them; The Welcome Home Project Wisconsin. Neighborhood Housing is providing mattresses. There is an Amazon wish list.
Coordinated Entry Update--Liz Croley: attached
Point in Time--Liz Croley: If you’d like to reach out to your Mayor and ask if they would like to participate in Point in Time, please do. Jan. 24; need about 5 more volunteers—contact Liz. The more accurate our data, the more funds available to help people experiencing homelessness. People can go to the Salvation Army and stay overnight if they wish on that night. liz.croley@appleton.org
Action Plan Committee Updates
Affordable Housing—Susan Garcia Franz: working on a powerpoint and a one page handout. Set up with a Kiwanis Club on Jan. 26th. Hoping to find some affordable housing champions. If you are part of a group you think would be willing to have our presentation, please contact fchc.updates@gmail.com
DEI—Tracie LaRue Moen: working on mission statement and goals.
Website—Susan Garcia Franz: Contacting different organizations to see if any would help with this.
Other Business;
· Report on WPR on how LaCrosse is working between the city and the county to help people who are homeless.
· Will have spotlights on our agencies in the future.
· Catholic Parishes Joining Forces: New group formed of 6 Catholic parishes with an interest in housing. Working on a grant for some funding. St. Joseph Parish has opened up their great hall every Wednesday at 7 for anyone needing a hot cup of coffee or a restroom, also hoping to set up some snacks. Joe Martin from St. Joseph is reaching out to Frito Lay, Campbells and some other companies to see if they would provide snacks.
· Pillars is transferring a client from one program to another and needs to bring this to the attention of the Coalition. Discussion ensued.
· Zion Lutheran Church in Appleton is hoping to repurpose their building and surrounding areas for housing and possibly some small businesses.
· Fox Valley Veterans Council has an event coming up: https://givebutter.com/fvvc2024ball
Adjourn; Mindy moves, Lisa seconds adjournment. Motion carries.
Passcode: kY!8W!ND
Next Meeting – February 21: over zoom.