May 2024 Minutes

Fox Cities Housing Coalition

May 15, 2024

8:00 am  



A.     Call to Order


B.      Present:  Susan Garcia Franz, Connie Raether, Deb Langacker, Kim Esselman, Ivy Casarez, Lisa Strandberg, Cynthia Chase Whitely, Jennie Moore, Jo Muehl, Liz Croley, Mindy Howell, Mike Garrigan, Olivia Galyon, Cassandra Robinson, Claire Hoslet, Donna Eggert, Emily Murphy, Scott Schnurer, Jodell Gagnow, Jon Pylypyv, Kate Markwart, Kendra Krisher, Kim Luke, Kimberly Mehlberg, Kristi Clover, Tracy Plamann, Megan Zimmerman, Katie Van Groll


C.      Approval of April 17, 2024 Minutes;  Mindy moves, Kristi seconds approval.  Motion carries.      


D.     Treasurer’s Update: Balance of state dues paid, $1524.41.    Balance $10413.71                                                            

E.      Update on Landlord Connecting with FCHC;  no update at this time. 


F.      Introduce  City of Appleton Resource Coordinator;  Cheryl Schefe ,


G.     Coordinated Entry Update—attached:  470 on list,   increase in people over 62,  over 100 households w/children, ave wait 100 days.  84 people on prevention list (those facing homelessness)  Use this data in the community and when allocating funds.  2 main streams of funding from HUD (COC and ESG).  Community is given a certain number of dollars and community decides where the funds should go.  Big issue is finding landlords to take people who need rapid re-housing, also not enough case managers to help people with high barriers;  need more funding for at least 12 more case managers.


H.     Agency Spotlight--Harbor House;   went through transitions about a year ago, now serve victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and work with DV offenders.  Anyone who would like to tour, please let Tracy Plamann know.  Shelter, outreach, advocates who work with families, singles and children, prevention education in the schools, community education for nurses, police officers, doctors, businesses, etc.  Outreach office in Calumet County.  Training advocates so they are familiar with all aspects of the programming.  Sexual violence focuses on crisis and advocacy 24/7.  Always someone with victims of sexual assault for the evidence collecting exam.  Collaborate with Reach.  Jennifer Kennedy is the housing navigator at Harbor House.  Assessments are done for DV offenders and then a referral is made to the court.  Small group offender treatment and advocates work with offenders as well.


I.        Action Plan Committee Updates

a.      Affordable Housing Susan Garcia Franz:  taking our presentation to community and church groups.             

b.      DEI--Tracie La Rue Moen:  determining which groups should be invited to participate.  Discussing how to compensate people with lived experience for their participation.

c.       Website Task Force--Jonathon  Pylypiv: will be the domain.  Goal is to keep the website simple.  Let Jonathan or Liz know if you have suggestions or questions.


J.       After Hours Plan;  Kristi moves, Lisa Strandberg seconds approval.  Motion carries.  List of those agencies voting is attached.


K.      Criminalization Policy--Susan Garcia Franz:  Each coalition is required to develop a policy per the BOS.  Members of the coalition should be advocating against any community policies that criminalize homelessness.  Read the current policy and send any suggestions to by end of first week in June.  Important to let cities know what resources exist to help those who are homeless and provide options to criminalization.  Please share this document with the leadership of your organization.  Kate suggests these articles:


L.      Other Business;

a.      Appleton Housing Authority update!  AHA applied for $168,000 in Homeless Funds with the State of Wisconsin for our TBRA Program.  If awarded the AHA will be going into our 18th year administering this program for homeless individuals and families in our area.      The AHA has also formed a Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) committee to work together as the AHA administers the FYI Vouchers.  We met in March as a group and will continue to meet!   We still have open FYI Vouchers for youth 18-24 who have aged out of Foster Care and homeless or facing homelessness.  If you know anyone who might qualify contact me.

b.      Balance of State is asking that we send them agencies that should get their emails.  Connie will send out an email asking who would like to receive those.

M.   Common acroynyms:

BOS:  Balance of State

DEHCR = State of WI Dept of Energy, Housing and Community Resources

SOT:  Sex offender treatment

CDBG: Community Development Block Grant


N.     Connie moves to adjourn, Liz seconds.  Motion carries.


Next Meeting – June 19th is Juneteenth holiday so our next meeting will be June 12th, 8 a.m. at the Appleton Area School District Welcome Center,

2701 N. Oneida, Appleton


Passcode: ov+P8CE2



April 2024 Minutes