September 2024 Minutes
Fox Cities Housing Coalition
September 18, 2024
AASD Welcome Center
2701 N Oneida Street Suite C3
8:00 am
Present: Rachel Youngquist, Connie Raether, Claire Hoslet, Anne Tretinyak, Jennifer Kennedy, Jennie Micke, Kim Juve, Kelly Bales, Nhia Ly, Paige Johnson, Molly McGregor, Don Carper, Wayne Timm, Lori Jensen, Susan Garcia Franz, Kim Mehlberg, Jodell Gagnow, Kim Luke, Tracie LaRue Moen, Katie Van Groll, Liz Croley, Olivia Galyon, Megan Wanke, Kim Esselman, Breanna Mekuly, Cheryl Schefe, Jennie Moore, Becky Heldt, Kate Markwart, Lisa Strandberg, Scott Schnurer, Shaundra Wagner, Amy Flanders, Paula Zulowski, Eli Ascher, Callie Timm, Elizabeth Reyes
A. Approval of August 18, 2024 Minutes; Molly moves, Susan seconds approval. Motion carries.
B. Coordinated Entry Update; attached ; 195 households without children plus 42 on non-HMIS list, 132 days on wait list (on waiting list for permanent housing). 2-4 week wait for shelter. Households with children 133 plus 65 on non HMIS list. Clients on prevention list 184. 428 units needed to clear HMIS list.
C. Spotlight – Vida;. Provides housing and needed items for parents/kids. Can bring over $2000 worth of items for a family in a year. Trinity House is their maternity home Residents can stay for a year and many services are provided, including transportation to medical and other necessary appointments. Trinity House will reach its first anniversary on Nov. 1st. Community orgs are welcome to present info about their programs. Trinity House is staffed 24 hours. Trinity House Manager 920-731-4354 ext. 1020. Average length of support offered is 3 years. All services are free of charge.
D. WI BoS “Match”--Kate Markwardt; If you are applying to HUD for funds, you may have to match a percentage of that funding either through money or in kind donations. BOS needs to track time of agency staff working on BOS projects as that counts toward their match. Committees should send in attendance along with the BOS attendance sheet and minutes to Adam Hurst at Contact Kate at with questions.
E. NAMI Training Feedback: Approximately 27 people attended from 18 agencies. 100% of the participants strongly agreed or agreed that the training met the defined learning objectives; 100% of the participants strongly agreed or agreed that they benefited from the training; and 100% of participants said they would recommend the training to others.
F. Winnebago County Housing for All CHIP Priority--Susan Garcia Franz; Every public health department has to do a community health assessment and then a community health improvement plan. 4 major goals. Goal 1: hosting trainings around housing policy, engaging with municipal planning depts., gaining trust of people with lived experience. Goal 2: reducing barriers for rental housing. HELP program connects people with resources. Starting a tenant resource center. Goal 3: Reducing barriers for tenants to access affordable rental housing. Connecting with landlords. Goal 4: Strengthening supports for people who are homeless. Building relationships with elected officials.
G. Committee Updates
a. Affordable Housing--Susan Garcia Franz; Have done 12 presentations with 3 scheduled.
b. DEI-Tracie La Rue Moen; Met on sept. 4th. Had People of Progression present. Discussed barriers that are being seen.
c. Website Task Force--Jonathon Pylypiv; Almost ready for launch. Can look at it and send feedback to Jonathan.
d. Increase Non-Employment Cash income--Jennie Moore; Pillars, Advocap and Salvation Army will be reporting this.
e. Prevent or Reverse the Criminalization of Homelessness-Lisa Strandberg; Urgent opportunity to live out our action plan for this year. The Winnebago County Board may consider loitering and camping bans. Recommendations: Residents of various districts (or people who work in organizations that work in Winnebago County) who also are FCHC members to call their supervisors to provide information. Could come before the county board on Oct. 15th. Do you live in or work for an org in Neenah, Menasha, Fox Crossing or other towns in Winnebago County? If so, please make calls to your supervisor with a provided script.
H. Other Business; Faith based summit coming up on Oct. 12.
New case manager position for Boys and Girls Club
I. Adjourn
Next Meeting – October 16th via zoom