November 2024 Minutes
Fox Cities Housing Coalition
November 11, 2024
A. Present: Laurie McCulloch, Rachel Youngquist, Melanie Haen, Kim Esselmann, Helena Duleny, Kelly Frichner, Cheryl Schefe, Susan Garcia Franz, Deb Langacker, Liz Croley, Pheonah Kisembo, Connie Raether, Becky Heldt, Betsy Reidl, Dan McGinnis, Donna Eggert, , Kristi Clover, Olivia Galyon, Richard Dodge, Terry Gottfried, Adam Hurst, Amy Lang, Bonnie Nussbaum, Breanna Rosik, Claire Hoslet, Anne Tretinyak, Jennie Moore, Jenny Micke, Jodell Gagnow, Jon Pylypyv, Julie Reindl, Katie Van Groll, Kelly Kohl, Kendra Krisher, Kim Mehlberg, Lori Jensen, Megan Zimmerman, Natalie Luebke, Nhia Ly, Nicole Majinski, Nikki Gerhard, Paige Johnson, Stephanie Van Hulst, Tracie LaRue Moen, Kim Luke, Lisa Strandberg, Cheryl Spindler, Deanna Kloster, Elizabeth Reyes, Liz Swecker, Mindy Howell, Megan Wanke, Jo Muehl
B. Excused: Molly McGregor (AASD), Wendy Krueger (UWFC)
C. Approval of October 16, 2024 Minutes; Laurie moves, Jennie seconds approval. Motion carries.
D. Treasurer’s Report: one deposit for $200 donation from First Congregational United Church of Christ and one expenditure for zoom renewal $168. Balance $9385.43
E. Coordinated Entry Update--Liz Croley: Point in Time count coming up in January. Any questions go to Liz. Need volunteers to look for people and also people to go to Salvation Army in the days following. Looking for 25 agency reps and 25 clients to take a survey about how the BoS is doing; survey was sent via email, due date Dec. 31. Regarding the BoS gaps and needs surveys, the community partner survey should be completed by any organization who works with those experiencing homelessness or interested in helping . The client survey is for those currently homeless, at risk, or those who have been homeless in the past 12 months.
Households without children: 329, 19 youth headed households; households with children 177 wait time on list 96 days.
F. HUD VASH and Foster Youth Voucher eligibility requirements--Kim Esselman: These two programs do NOT have a waiting list. Started issuing vouchers for Foster Youth program beginning of this year for youth ages 18-24 who have been in foster care at some point in their lives and are now couch surfing or homeless. Referrals come from Outagamie County or Fox Valley Technical College. Youth have 60-120 days to find an apartment. AHA has purchased some housing units that they will be opening for youth. Youth are connected with local services. Income requirements; under $36,000: no minimum income requirement.
HUD-VASH: No waiting list for 55 vouchers. 120 days to find housing. Eligibility: cannot be a registered sex offender, up to 80% of AMI for income. Can be single or have a family. Veterans office determines eligibility related to their discharge but cannot have a dishonorable discharge. There is a waiting list for case management and case management is a requirement for the program. Works on a Housing First model. Can contact Kim Esselman or Nicole Majinski at about HUD-VASH.
AHA has over 1000 applicants on waiting list for other vouchers
G. Pillars Diversion/Prevention--Natalie Luebke and Liz Swecker: Goal to keep people out of Shelter. People are placed on co-ordinated entry prevention list. Have to be in danger of homelessness within 14 days or fleeing DV.
H. Committee Updates
a. Affordable Housing--Susan Garcia Franz: still presenting to various groups, please let us know if you have a group that might be interested. Trying to garner community champions.
b. DEI--Tracie La Rue Moen: Discussing DEI in general and what it might look like in the future. Had 37 responses for the micro-aggression survey—looking at possible training on micro-aggressions.
c. Website Task Force--Jonathon Pylypiv: continue to update.
d. Increase Non-Employment Cash income--Jennie Moore: Collaboration among Salvation Army, Advocap and Pillars. Looking at ways to increase the income.
e. Prevent or Reverse the Criminalization of Homelessness--Lisa Strandberg: It is an action group rather than a committee. Have been active around Winnebago County’s proposed ban on loitering and camping which has been pulled from the board agenda. Working to engage council members to participate in PiT.
Looking for connections to Menasha council members.
I. Other Business:
Housing Alliance: Thanks to investment from Outagamie County, the Basic Needs Giving Partnership, and Community Vision Fund, Kristine Giornalista has been hired as a consultant and the launch of the Housing Alliance is officially underway! We hope she will be able to attend in December to share the vision, next steps and timeline for this phase of the Alliance's development with the Coalition. The plan is to hold a final meeting of the Housing Alliance Task Force in January to formally conclude their work together. We hope Kristine will join us at our December meeting.
Appleton Comprehensive Plan: First community engagement opportunity last night. There will be more opportunities to provide input and there will be a DIY kit. For more information, you can visit and sign up to follow plan progress.
From Kim Esselman: If you work with Youth 18-24 and interested in being part of our Foster Youth Committee let me know!
Appleton Public Library: Our last day open at 3000 E. College Ave. is Monday, November 25. Our first day open at 225 N. Oneida St. will be early 2025, date to be determined.
From Kelly Kohl: If I could gauge interest - I have been considering planning a resource/volunteer fair for staff/faculty/students at FVTC. If you would be interested, please share your organization so I can start a list of who to reach out to. Very preliminary at this time - maybe mid-Spring. Contact Kelly at
New shelter: St. Joe's parish in downtown Appleton is hoping to open an emergency shelter for adults only (no children) This is an ongoing discussion... but there is no specific date that another shelter may/will be opening. St. Joe's has been in regular conversation with the City. There are a lot of considerations that need to be made - building code changes, insurance, staff/volunteer commitment, rules/regulation policy development, etc.
J. Adjourn; Richard moves, Deb seconds. Motion carries.
Recording available:
Passcode: 00cc8S$W
Next Meeting – December 18th
Appleton Area School District Welcome Center (in person only)
2701 N. Oneida Street -Suite C3